Browse our catalogue of infographics about cycling behaviours, infrastructure and regulations.

Spot the differences between London and the Dutch approach. See what can easily be improved in the UK to make cycling as popular for all as in the Netherlands.


Cycle Styles

Learn how people cycling style influences their safety and comfort, and impact their ability to encourage other people to cycle too.
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Cycle Designs

Learn how urban designers and engineers can make simple infrastructure changes that can massively improve the experience people have while cycling through London and eventually make others feel like cycling too.
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Cycle Policies

Learn how politicians and authorities can quickly help London making the transition toward a greener and more resilient future through passing courageous laws and prioritising investments.
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Dutch Cycling in London
@DuCycLon on twitter & facebook

A project supported
by the Academy of Urbanism

A project initiated
by Saskia Huizinga


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This very serious and hopefully a little bit funny website represents Saskia's views only.

Thank you to (in alphabetical order) Amy Dickens, Anneloes Groenewolt, Bright Pryde-Saha, Diego Marando, Famke Bakker, George Weeks, Jaap Valkema, Jan van der Horst, Jeroen den Breejen, Kees Mouritz, Maria Zouroudi, Max Huizinga, Nicholas Fripp, Robin Houterman and Stan Wolters.

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